Fairewinds Newsletter: Time's Running Out!

Dear Fairewinds Supporters,

The Fairewinds Crew hopes that your new year begins with good health and joy. As we enter the New Year, we look forward to helping other people to determine the risks of radioactive contamination they face in their communities.

The people in Simi Valley and Malibu, California, had no idea that atomic radiation would wind up on their doorstep when the Woolsey Wildfire began at the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL) ­– the site of an atomic test reactor meltdown in 1959! Fairewinds Energy Education was there for them when they needed our help. Fairewinds partnered with Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR-LA) to create a community-volunteer citizen-science project to track where the radioactive smoke and wildfire ash moved in weather patterns across the vulnerable and highly-populated area.

Now we ask you, where and when will the next radiation release occur? We don’t know, but we want to be there to help train and mobilize more community-based citizen-scientists. So first, we will analyze the collected samples, which a professional lab will then confirm. Then, finally, we will use that data for a peer-reviewed scientific article open to the public.

Like us, you are probably receiving many asks this week from your favorite nonprofits. This newsletter is Fairewinds’ final for 2021, and, yes, we are asking for your support! Please help us aid the next community that needs solid scientific research. Donations, large or small, help sustain our work. So as 2021 comes to a close, will you please help Fairewinds be ready for 2022?


Remember: Radiation Knows No Borders!